On Saturday morning, we completed fiberglassing the tops of the wings! The bottom of the wings were completed 7 days earlier and were done in 4 sections per side. At 4 sections per side, it was not bad at 70 degrees. As the day got warmer it got harder and harder to work with. By the final piece, it was a race against time.
This Saturday, the low was 58 degrees and the high was 70. We completed each side of the wing in just 2 pieces of glass each!

We were very fortunate to get almost the same crew as the first wing. Jeff + his son Josh, John and Rama. We did a great job together and it is probably just as well we had one extra person with how big the layups were. The top came out really nice. I'm very pleased with how it all turned out. There is some filling to do, but most of it is due to a little miss shaping in the foam skins. Thanks to all the volunteers that made it happen. Jeff, Josh, John and Rama.. And of course Dad, but he's always a key part of the process!
Soon we will be creating the wing tips and cutting out the ailerons.